Dream Circle

From Chlorobyte Lore
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The Dream Circle

The Dream Circle is a plural system formed from the host, Chlorobyte's adventures in his dreams.


Host: Chlorobyte

Fronting members: Copper, Larp

There are an unknown amount of other possible members roaming within, but them fronting is uncommon for reasons that will be described later. While Chlorobyte is the one mainly known for supernatural trolling, some members have been spotted using similar abilities as well - levitating, antigravity, special attacks. Sharing dreams is also possible (TODO: check if ability or feature).

Finally, there are also 'husks': fake, soulless replicas of real people. Their lives are meaningless and incoherent. They are practically GTA pedestrians - one might pass away, then reappear a few days later on a random street.


The Dream Circle's 'headspace', or the imaginary world housing the members is where they come from in the first place - Chlorobyte's dream world.

The main space is a replica of the real world, and mainly consists of real life locations. However, everything is much more modern, vast and lively. Quality of life and happiness is high, and most residential areas are generally great places to hang around in and make friends.

As described by Copper, the world is '4 dimensional'; there is a set of additional 'subworlds', each with their own separate 3D environments, but spatially linked together. Switching between 'subworlds' is not freely possible for the average person. Some of them are as follows:

  • The main space, as described above.
  • A Minecraft plot world looking area used for agriculture.
  • There is a hangout space created specifically by Larp for easy access by Chlorobyte, only accessible by fronters. It's a bunch of mainly undisturbed floating islands in the sky.
  • It is additionally possible to physically enter video games, and possibly mirrors(?)


Chlorobyte, the host is always present and has precedence over any of the other members' actions.

The ability to front - take control of the body - requires a mental link to the host, which can be weak at first. It is similar to a dream, and it takes practice for the image of the outside world, and the control over the body to stabilize, and a whole lot more for switching between the member's dream body and the outside one to be effortless.

Though some people seem to be aware that the world is not what it seems, building the required mental link always requires explicit support from the host, meaning random strangers never end up at front.

It is worth repeating that the dream world is far more interesting and lively. The members have little incentive to check out the outside, dull reality besides the initial wave of curiosity. Even known fronters have limited interest; Chlorobyte is often the only one fronting for the entire day.

Forced fronts have been observed during certain situations, such as:

  • unwarranted online account access / identity theft;
  • before his real life took a turn for the better, the host's depression waves.


  • There have been multiple cases of a dream revealing or reflecting information from real life unknown to the host. The most documented, proven case is to do with Chlorobyte's History finals grade.
  1. He took the written exam first.
  2. One night, he had a dream where the teacher was supposedly handing out the final grades, and she told him: '4'. He told this dream in a Discord DM on May 24th.
  3. Later, when he went to check out the scores in real life on May 30th, the only possible day students could see the results, it was just 1 point below the threshold for a final '5' grade even being possible.
A student needs at least 120 points overall to score a '5'. The remaining exam was the verbal one, which could give up to 50 points - but even that would have landed the final sum at 119.